Alyssa Clark
Senior Zyon Johnston works on his sculpture on March 8 during iPass.
Sitting in Ceramics, senior Zyon Johnston is assigned a project over the topic of grief in regards to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. He decided to make his work a tribute for two Tour Rangers that were executed by ISIS.
“Not many people realize what happens over there,” Johnston said. “So this is a thank you and you’ll always be remembered.”
On the clay tablet, the two names, Joshua P. Rogers and Cameron H. Thomas, are displayed on the top and bottom while in between the names is a solder on his knee, a gun and an American flag in the background.
Although Johnston doesn’t particularly have an interest in art, he says that this project was important to him because he feels strongly about our military and the sacrifices they make.
According to Johnston, his dad’s side of the family, with the exception of his grandfather and father, were involved in the military and Johnston also plans on enlisting .
Art teacher Breanna Bierod says that she hoped this project would help students deal with grief and show them how artists use their creations to deal with their emotions.
She also says that Johnston put in a lot of effort towards this project, saying that he would come in during iPass to work on it and that he would always ask her advice on how to improve it.
“He really went the extra mile,” Bierod said.
According to Bierod, Johnston plans on sending his finished work to the Army base in Fort Benning, Ga.