Do fast-food strikers deserve the income they’re striving for?

Riley Childers, Student Life Co-Editor

Throughout the past few months the topic of fast-food workers going on strike has been all the rage in school and, basically, nationwide.  The talks will start up in the middle of a class, just talking about how other states and cities have taken the time to strike, set up rallies and boycott their jobs. These people take a stand outside of their own restaurants saying they want a $15 hour wage instead of what they are usually paid. Don’t get me wrong, when I say people I mean adults who have been working in the fast-food industry for years, not teenagers who are working their first jobs.

From what I understand 40 percent of the employees are over the age of 25, less have college experience and most are single parents trying to make the best of life for their kid(s).  These strikes have been going on for months and the companies have still not cracked, because the idea seems insane to some people. Why have employees who don’t necessarily have a college degree, possibly not even a high school diploma, earn more money than someone who has gone through the steps and finished getting a college degree?

According to a speech retired football coach, active sportscaster, author and motivational speaker, Lou Holtz gave he says “Success and failure usually manifest themselves in a personal and family income. You choose to drop out high school or to skip college- and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education.”

Many articles that I have read about this topic mostly say that parents want more money so they can raise their family with pride and dignity, that “America deserves a raise.” Sure, America deserves a raise, but that’s not going to happen in the way the fast-food strikers, or anyone for that matter, are going to get it. If these parents want what’s best for themselves and their families they are not going to find it at a fast-food restaurant, or standing outside going against the place that gives them the little bit of money they have. They are going to find it at the place where they might need to go back to. Whether, that one place is continuing their high school career online or going to/finishing college. One step in the right direction could give them a gigantic step into the world outside of the fast-food industry.

“The simple Law of the Harvest- as ye sow, shall ye reap- is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get,” Holtz said.

Adults of this time are the prime example of today’s teens. They aren’t showing us how to get the best out of every situation. They aren’t striking against the government for not giving them what they want. They are boycotting what’s best for their families and themselves. They just don’t realize it.