photo by Morgan Harmon
The end credits were rolling, the lights were slowly coming back on, and, unlike any other movie theater I’d been to, everything fell silent and everyone sat there for what felt like hours.
This film had a lot of gravity, drawing us down into what felt like a black hole of thoughts.
After gathering my thoughts, I gently rose and returned to my car, not realizing that I had gone to the wrong one. When I eventually got into my car, I took a deep breath and tried to make sense of what I had just witnessed. Alejandro Gomez Monteverde’s film “Sound of Freedom” is an incredible heartfelt story that needs to be shared with everyone.

The film is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, played by Jim Caviezel, a former government agent who sets out on a journey to rescue children who became victims of human trafficking. Without avoiding the grim reality of this worldwide issue, this film successfully illuminated human trafficking while also making it a cinematic masterpiece.
Although the movie was not graphic in any way, it was really difficult to watch it through. There were a couple times where I thought about leaving, but I ended up staying. It felt like the movie was pulling me down and forcing me to swallow a big pill. From the cinematic aspect to the structure of the movie, each scene was luring.
What differentiates “The Sound of Freedom” from other films was its capacity to give optimism in the face of the most bleak conditions. It reminds viewers that change begins with them and that they have the capacity to affect change.

A special video was then presented just after the end credits, reminding us that this was more than simply a movie. It prompted us to take control of this 21st-century version of slavery and put an end to the manipulation and exploitation of children for profit.
As stated in the film, “God’s children are not for sale.” From laughing to crying, I enjoyed everything about the movie. I rarely cry when it comes to movies but this was different. It felt different. The director did an amazing job at pulling the audience in and putting them through a roller coaster of emotions.
Despite the movie being delayed by five years and other hurdles that were thrown at them, they made it a priority to share this message. I think the best part of this whole production is the way it wasn’t just about the money for them.
It was so much more and I felt that everyone in the audience could feel that. Overall, I would recommend this film to everyone who wants to make a difference in our society and bring a glimmer of hope for our future by making the sound of freedom a reality.