The usual monthly held book club has been canceled for the IMC due to their hectic schedule. However, the IMC’s new schedule for this month is including two new meetings. One being the Battle of the Books and the other being a coloring session. During the finals week the IMC will be the place to destress for students. By offering coloring book pages and a peaceful environment amongst the hectic finals week jam packed with tests the IMC hopes to have help with the ever flowing stress. Last year the IMC had more than 100 students participate, this year (with the sign up only being up for a half hour) they have six.
The IMC is offering a new alternative to book club for this month called Battle of the Books. Any SHS student may participate in this alternative competition. The competition consists of reading books from a given list and answering trivia questions about those books.
“I mean it’s battle of the books, so yeah (I’m excited),” Foor said.
SHS students participating in this competition will be on a team, which they may then choose to distribute the reading amongst. The competing SHS students will then go up against other schools. The winners of the competition will get an undecided prize, but as of yet, Ms. Foor says that they are waning towards the idea of gift cards, but they have not given it much thought since it is in March.