Photo by Madelyn Knight
SHS principal Brian Knight walks through the cafeteria to interact with students.
SHS principal, Brian Knight, sits in the corner of a classroom, observing. He makes mental notes of the things he sees. Knight makes it a goal to be involved in classroom activities or group work. This includes picking up any handouts the students may have received that day. He desires to be a part of the class whether that be by partaking in class discussion or just looking and listening for anything that could be a potential subject for his blog.
As a former teacher, Knight feels nostalgic when visiting classrooms. Whenever he sees an opportunity to jump into a class discussion, he seizes it. After he gathers what he feels like is enough information, it’s off to the next class as Knight decides what he will put on his new blog “180 Days of Cardinal Learning.” The blog holds significance to Knight.
“I just want to share the good things that are going on with teachers in our classrooms,” Knight said. “I think it’s a nice way to recognize teachers and students and the hard work that they’re putting in everyday.”
Knight tries to get into at least 5 classrooms a day. He doesn’t like to bring a computer because he doesn’t want the teachers to feel like they’re being observed. If he decides to write down notes for his blog on what he saw in a classroom, he pulls out his phone and writes them down. If he has a tight schedule, he makes mental notes of what he sees.
While Knight has said it’s an accountability thing and a nostalgic thing for him-because he takes it upon himself to get into at least 5 classrooms and he misses being a classroom teacher-he also says that he wants to share with everyone what is going on in the classrooms with students and teachers.
SHS math teacher Ethan Coffman, who was featured on the blog, says that he enjoys the blog. It’s a way to make sure that he can stay on track with his teaching, and on a personal level, he’s honored to know that Knight thought what he is doing is worth putting on the blog.
“I think it’s awesome,” Coffman said. “I want him, and everybody else, to be comfortable with what I’m doing and making sure I’m staying on straight. He might see something he likes and wants to share, and I’m very honored to have that.”
Another teacher at SHS, Brian Dugger, enjoys the blog for two reasons: it’s a good chance for outside people to see what’s going on at Southport, and because Knight is not just being an overseer of the school. He’s actually going into classrooms and trying to be involved.
“It’s a great way to show people outside of Southport what’s really happening in here,” Dugger said. “He’s being seen, you know? He’s going into classrooms. He’s being a part of the process.”