Logan Flake
A live look at some of the renovations being set up at the SHS cafeteria. Milk was dumped all over the table shortly after.
Throughout the 2016/17 school year, the SHS cafeteria has been redecorated to better fit the theme of a dining hall. After the remodel that was completed in 2014, administrators began to realize that the cafeteria lacked a “foody” atmosphere. Bothered by the boring environment, students in every grade came together to right this wrong.
“The plain colors just called out to us,”sophomore Justin Thyme said. “We knew we had to make it more exciting.”
Because the budget for another remodel was so low, the students had to get creative. So, they decided to be innovative and use what they had, rather than go out and buy the decorating materials. Each grade gathered their most creative students to discuss and finalize a plan for the project.
“We would meet once a week and sit at one of the circle tables in the cafeteria,”junior Mckenna Chease said. “We thought that surrounding ourselves with the problem would help us come up with ideas better.”
The team met and accumulated ideas until they all came to an agreement, and it was decided that the cafeteria would be redecorated every day. When school resumed on Monday, the breakfast crowd was the first to feast their eyes on the new lunch room. Freshman Hans Berger was one of the first to enter the new food room.
“It was like a dream!” Berger said. “Definitely the best room in the school now.”
Parts of the previously white walls now carried hues of ketchup-red and hints of applesauce-yellow. The once-slick floors had been remedied by spilled orange juice and smashed french fries, which added more texture and stickiness that will help to keep students upright.
“I think my favorite part is the trays that are spread around,” senior Tina Fish said. “They help pull the room together. Other than that, they really serve no purpose. But I think that’s the beauty of the trays.”
Along with the trays, empty cartons of milk and juice were scattered about to persuade students to drink more. Some were even on the floors. These cartons, along with the occasional carrot, grape, or tomato were placed around as a test for students. They serve to measure and sharpen student’s abilities to dodge, step over, and kick.
“We thought this would be a way to keep students active,” administrator Karen deTorch said . “We want the cafeteria to be a wholly stimulating place and challenge students.”
To keep things interesting and fresh, the designs are changed every day. That means something new to enjoy and brighten the student’s, teacher’s, and administrator’s days. But but the students aren’t the only ones who get joy from seeing the festive decorations.
“I think it’s just grand that the kids are using their leftovers for something,” lunch lady Anna Pol said. “Nothing makes me happier than seeing one man’s trash become everyone’s treasure!”
The founders of this idea plan to continue this as long as they can because they know how much it means to the student body. As long as the cafeteria serves multi-use produce, students from freshmen to seniors will find a way to liven the place up using a pinch of imagination, a splash of ingenuity, and a scoop of teamwork.