Staff and students illuminate importance of ACT and SAT
This is a description of how to take the SAT and ACT.
March 16, 2018
As students make their way through high school, they are usually faced with a multitude of standardized tests. Before students can be considered by colleges, most are required to take tests known as the SAT and the ACT. Information is available for students to help with the mandatory process of test taking.
Both tests, the SAT, which stands for scholarship aptitude test and the ACT, which stands for American College Testing, allow students to apply knowledge they have learned during high school. The subjects include reading, math and essay writing on the SAT, while the ACT consists of reading, math, english and science.
Junior Noah Lemasters is one of the many students that has taken the SAT in order to be considered for acceptance to college. He believes that the tests can be beneficial and that it’s a good way to see if students are prepared for college.
“It is a good standard for colleges to see how intelligent you are,” Lemasters said.
However, he does understand that the tests may be harder to take for those with a lower income. Another downside to the tests is the way that different people’s minds work, according to senior Tori Faulkner. To her, it seems that not everyone has the same test-taking skills and others might just not get certain subjects.
Guidance Counselor Erin Shimp thinks one of the ways to help if they feel this way is to practice by taking the PSAT, completing practice tests online or getting books from the library. She also explained that when students meet with their guidance counselors, the SAT and ACT testing is usually being discussed. However, if students still don’t understand what to do, they can see their counselor.
“It’s one of those things that you just have to practice and do the best you can,” Shimp said.