Roles of the community in case of emergency

Junior Parker Robinson says he does not have a plan to meet up with his brother, because it all depends on the circumstances.
March 16, 2018
If there is ever an event that involves an active shooter at SHS, there are steps that the administration has put into place to ensure the safety of students and staff.
According to Assistant Principal Andrew Ashcraft, the administration has decided upon “rally points.” These spots are to be used when there is an incident in the building and teachers and staff need to get students out safely. These spots can be useful for parents to meet up with their children. He said the spots would mostly be alphabetized to make the situation more “coordinated.” Junior Parker Robinson believes that parents should talk to their children about issues like an intrusion. Social studies teacher Gene Lezon says that he has spoken to his kids about the chance of an incident happening at their school.
“I would definitely figure out a way to get a hold of them,” Lezon said. “I would definitely try to figure out the school’s priorities and where the kids are going to be.”
If there was ever an intruder in the building there wpilAshcraft says the specific rally points are only known by staff members at SHS. This was done on purpose, to make sure that an intruder would not use the rally points to their advantage. Lezon explained that due to recent events, safety drills have changed.
“We’ve had training.” Lezon said. “ (The administration) has talked about (potential incidents) and they brought in police officers to talk about it. They talked about strategies and things of that nature. The thought process has changed over the years due to the number of incidents that have happened.”
Lezon believes that when a student goes into a classroom they should have an idea of how they would escape if an incident were to happen. Robinson explained that him and his brother junior Peyton Robinson have not formulated a plan to meet up after an incident because there are many variables in the situation which could make devising a plan difficult.
“Plans are very circumstantial,” Robinson said. “It will depend on what period you’re in and where the intruder is coming from.”