Disney looks to part ways with Netflix
Disney to remove all of it’s original content off of the media-service provider Netflix and start own platform
Senior Amy Norris is saddened by the fact that she will no longer be able to tune into Netflix to watch and enjoy her favorite Disney movies. “I love them so much, they’re like movies that I can always go to and watch that make me feel happy inside,” Norris said. puts me in a good mood.”
It depends on the cost whether Norris will invest in this service, however, she does think it is a good idea.
“Probably depending on how much it costs to use but I think it’s kind of a good idea because then there’s one spot that you can go for all Disney, but then it’s another service that you have to then additionally use.”
American-media-service provider Netflix has a handful of movies ranging from all genres and categories. Among the variety of choices Netflix has to offer, many of these used to include original Disney movies or TV shows, such as High School Musical, Moana, Liv and Maddie and Girl Meets World. Recently, however, Disney has decided to go a different direction, as they seek to pull and remove all of their original movies and TV shows from Netflix and start their own streaming service. This new service, will include Disney, Lucasfilm, Marvel and Pixar associated productions.
According to Samit Sarker a writer for Polygon “Everything from Disney that hits theaters in 2019 and beyond — whether from Disney itself, Lucasfilm, Marvel or Pixar — will appear on Disney’s own streaming service.” Disney is targeting a launch in “late 2019,” and has not announced pricing, but Iger has suggested that it will be “substantially below” the $10.99 monthly cost of a Netflix subscription.”
Disney movies are ones that seem to be popular amongst many people, one of these people being SHS sophomore Rachel Campbell.
“I love (Disney films) them with everything inside of me,” Campbell said.
According to Campbell, she was unaware that Disney would be removing their content off of Netflix, and that the circumstance makes her very sad due to the fact that she loves Disney.
Aside from being upset over Disney’s decision to remove all of their content off of Netflix, Campbell personally wishes to invest in the new, upcoming Disney service, but does not know how successful the service will be compared to Netflix based on what the service will offer.
“I don’t know how successful they will be,” Campbell said. “Just because it’s all Disney whereas Netflix you have a variety.”
According to an article from CNBC, “The new platform will be the home for all Disney movies going forward, starting with the 2019 theatrical slate which includes “Toy Story 4,” “Frozen 2,” and the upcoming live-action “The Lion King.” It will also be making a “significant investment” in exclusive movies and television series for the new platform.”

Hey guys, it’s Shelby Denny. I’m a senior and the Social Media Manager for The Journal. It’s hard to believe that three years ago was the first time...