Q&A with Phil Webster
SHS head baseball coach opens up about the effects of the canceled spring season
Webster looks on during an offseason workout.
Q: How have coaches been viewing this whole lockdown situation?
A: “I think most spring sport coaches are extremely disappointed that the season was cut short by the danger of this virus. Obviously this was an extremely necessary move to protect players, fans and coaches. In our case, we never got our season started. We were about to start our tryout process when we got the word that both school and practice would be suspended. The disappointment came because we had worked so hard in preparation for the season up to the point where the season was suspended. The players and coaches had been working two days a week since last fall, and each day we were getting better. I’m really proud of them.”
Q: How has the canceled spring season affected you personally?
A: “It is depressing not to be able to see the players and coaches that you have worked with for over five months. As a coach, you try to develop a family atmosphere with your
players and coaches. We were really coming together, and it was fun to see how their skills were improved, and I could tell we were going to have a good year. Now I can’t even see them. I miss them, and I hope to see them soon.”
Q: What are your thoughts on the seniors that couldn’t get to play this year?
A: “This year we did not have as many seniors as we have had in the past. Ryan Lezon has been a great player in three sports for Southport over a four-year period. I think he is the Marion County Athlete of the year, but that is left to be determined by a selection process that will not have his senior stats because he didn’t get to play. I feel confident that he would have made the Indiana South All-Star team, and he had a great chance to be selected to the Indiana All State team. Kyven Carter was another senior two-sport athlete who had a chance to garner post-season awards. I am sure that Kyven was going to have a great year. He was a returning starter from last year’s team, and I am sure he would have gotten recognized for postseason honors. Caleb Macalusso would have started on the varsity baseball team for the first time. I know he was looking to show what he could do this year, and I think he was going to surprise a lot of people because he was getting better with each practice. Aaran Greenwell is one hard working senior who deserves everything he gets. Aaran did not miss a workout. His skills got better with each practice, and up until the season was suspended, he had earned himself a starting position. I know both Aaran and Caleb wanted to show possible college coaches that they could play at the next level. The suspension of the season took that opportunity away. I and the rest of the coaches along with their teammates wish them the best in the future and will devote next year’s season in their honor. They have had so much taken from them.”

Hi! I am Jacob, an SHS senior and a sports writer for The Journal this year. I’m really into new technology and the way it works. I love computers and...