Time for independence
Going to an out-of-state college is better
I have lived in Indiana my entire life, and most of the people I know have lived here their entire lives as well. Right now, Indiana seems like my entire world, but that won’t always be the reality.
When people compare in-state and out-of-state schools, they immediately think of tuition. This is a big deal, trust me, I get that. When looking at public schools, it costs on average $15,860 more to move out-of-state, according to U.S. News and World Report. This is daunting and is rightful when it turns people away from out-of-state options, because for many students the cost alone can make it unreasonable move away. However, when this is not the case, there are benefits to schools far from home that may warrant their consideration.
Immersion is the best way to become independent. College is the first time for many students to be away from home and gain their own independence, which will be a lifelong skill. Moving to a college out of state forces kids to learn valuable proficiency needed for when they live on their own one day.
Such a sudden change will be hard, but that’s the case for any school across the nation. It may seem like each mile from home will make college harder maximizing proximity is essential. However, at a certain point the miles begin to fade and once students become accustomed to independence, the need for support from home will decrease.
Cost or family proximity should not be a reason to immediately discourage a student from looking at all their options. In fact, there are many advantages to an out-of-state school that are often overlooked.
For example, involvement in the community alone makes it a unique opportunity. This is one of the few times in life where someone can experience a new place without fear of where to live, what to do or a lack of resources. Most schools across the nation will be able to provide relatively cheap means to success compared to living in a new place later in life.
Another way students may benefit from a school far away is the quality of education. According to Forbes magazine, Indiana is home to only one of the top 100 academic schools in the nation. This means that if looking for something of high-prestige, Indiana may not be the place for you.
There is no doubt in-state is the right option for some people. However, the lack of consideration many possible college students have for out-of-state universities is unfair, and students should look further into higher education outside of the comfort of their home state.

Hi! I’m Marissa and coming back for my second year on The Journal. I am so excited. With experience last year writing for the Sports Section and five...