Back to the basics
Junior finds happiness in the simple things as she lives without social media
Junior Naomi Chan is helping out in the library. She enjoys reading instead of being on her phone.
It’s common to see a majority of SHS students glued to their phone screens whether it be in the hallways or at lunch. But, there are a few who choose not to view the screen at all.
Junior Naomi Chan is one of those students. With this decision, Chan has been able to gain more control over her lifestyle and find inspiration in the little things.
Chan was raised in a household where social media was not a priority. Her mother and father occasionally use Facebook and Instagram, but it’s mainly for communication.
Since she was raised this way, deciding to not get social media came as a given and was not a hard decision to make.
“It is a personal choice,” Chan said. “I’ve never been told I can’t have it, but I just choose not to get involved with it.”
Although she has nothing against social media, she does know there are both positive and negative aspects to using it. She says something she’s had to miss out on is the communication aspect of social media. It is not as easy for her to get a hold of other classmates or friends.
Chan’s friend, junior Audra Barclay, also doesn’t have social media. She still thinks that it affects everybody one way or another.
“It’s the main form of communication among our peers,” Barclay said. “It is a big part of pop culture, and it affects everybody because the majority of people all use it.”
Along with Barclay, Chan also believes that social media holds some negative qualities as well. She says that even though she still uses her phone frequently, maybe the amount of time would increase if she had social media, and it could affect her outlook on others as well.
“I think because I don’t have social media that my mental health is less of a negative outlook on life,” Chan said. “And I think more positively about people just because I’m not focused on the virtual realm and my impressions are based on personal interaction.”
Another friend of Chan’s, junior Haley Matlock, says that she also thinks it allows Chan more time to do things she genuinely enjoys doing.
“This girl is a very good student and athlete,” Matlock said. “Like when we get out of practice I get on my phone and she will read a book. So that to me is amazing that she can just do that.”
Like Matlock, Chan agrees that if she had social media she may not be able to do things she enjoys doing, like reading, because she wouldn’t have the free time.
Overall, she is thankful that she doesn’t feel the overwhelming need to get social media. She thinks that everyone is different and should make this decision for themselves based on what’s best for them.
“Not having social media has for sure has benefited her mental health,” Matlock said. “She is just a very strong person.”

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