Scan, go, repeat
Department of transportation introduces new bus passes
SHS student scans their bus pass to get on the bus.
Within the everyday bustle of students coming on and off the bus, a new system has been implemented to keep buses safe and organized.
Students are now having to scan bus I.D.s to get on and off the bus.
According to Patrick Murphy, the director of transportation, there are several different reasons for the new system. The main reason is the safety of students. Perry Township officials and parents are able to track where bus riders are, their location and the exact time they enter and exit the bus.
“From a safety standpoint, it’s fantastic,” Murphy said.
Murphy says it also helps out working parents.
“It’s another tool for the parents to be able to track their children and see where they are at all times,” Murphy said.
This all started off with an idea to try to find a new GPS system to help with bus routes. In the past they would have to look at a paper copy while also trying to drive. Now, they are able to see their route on the tablet.
This system allows for many different uses. Murphy says that bus drivers would have to go through their bus everyday to make sure that no students were left. Now, this is all done electronically on the tablet. Drivers are also able to clock in and out on the tablet.
Even with all the added benefits to the bus drivers, some drivers and students are not very thrilled about it.
“To me it’s a pain, but it can be useful if somebody is left on the bus,” bus driver Diana Rowe said.
Even though Rowe feels it’s a pain, she says she does like some features it has.
“If they try to get off at a wrong stop, it makes a noise,” Rowe said. “So the tablet remembers who’s on my route and if they’re getting on the right stop or not.”
Junior Parker Large feels negatively about this new system.
“I think it’s a waste of time, honestly,” Large said.
Overall, this system provides safety procedures that’ve been put into place for the greater good. It may take some time to get used to, but Murphy is just grateful to have access to this type of innovative technology.
“I mean it’s the wave of the future and I love to see Perry Township on the front end of a lot of this stuff,” Murphy said.

Hey everybody! My name is Paige and this year I am a junior. For The Journal this year, I am going to be a news writer. This is a new spot for me, so I'm...