Early flu epidemic needs to be taken seriously
January 26, 2015
The influenza epidemic has reached America very early this year and has affected many families by hospitalizing thousands of people around the nation, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC has been warning people about a bad flu season and this epidemic is expected to go on for several weeks.There is a virus spreading known as H3N2 that is a strain of type A influenza that causes illness in humans. Influenza is a viral respiratory infection, according to www.rightdiagnosis.com.
The virus people are catching is similar to the outbreak of the Swine Flu (H1N1) people were catching a couple years back, according to Christiane Hadi, Director of Infectious Disease at Marion County Health Department.
“The predominant flu strain we see is influenza A, it’s H3N2,” Hadi said. “The ‘H’ stands for Hemagglutinin, and the ‘N’ stands for neuraminidase. Those are parts of the virus and they’re different among different strains.”
Hadi also says how the vaccines do not always work in cases like these.
“The virus changed a little bit,” Hadi said. “Unfortunately, that made the flu vaccine that was being distributed this year, less affective. The WHO puts together the flu vaccine recommendations in February for the coming Winter flu season. They are unable to predict the mutation in the strain.”
This virus is just like any other flu virus. It has about the same basic symptoms and side effects of a regular flu, according to Hadi.
It is very important to know how to keep from getting this virus and many similar strains. It is very crucial to take very good care of personal hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands, cough in the crook of your arm, and touch your face as seldom as possible.
Even though vaccines aren’t covering all strains, it is encouraged to get the flu shot according to SHS nurse Ms. Patti Pinkston.
“The flu shot is not covering the strain thats out there,” Pinkston said. “They (doctors) would still like you to get the flu shot because if you should get the flu it will keep you from getting a severe case.”
It is very important to know how to keep from getting this virus and the various similar strains. It is crucial to take very good care of personal hygiene. Keeping germs away from your nose mouth as eyes can help prevent getting flu viruses, according to Pinkston. Be sure to wash your hands, cough in the crook of your arm, and try not to touch your face.