No so holly jolly
Holiday spirit isn’t the same as it used to be
The air is getting colder and the holiday lights are going up, but that same holiday spirit one used to feel isn’t there anymore. As the years go by, the holiday spirit fades little by little. Why is that spirit going away, and how can one get it back?
Growing up is inevitable, and it has a lot to do with why the same joy one used to feel isn’t there anymore. For kids, the excitement of Christmas overtakes almost everything. The excitement can be because of toys, the thrill of trying to stay up to see Santa Claus or it can be because of holiday parties in elementary school.
But, this excitement goes away and it can take away the joy of the season. In order to feel the holiday spirit again, one should keep the same holiday traditions and create new traditions. Many people had traditions that they did when they were younger that they don’t do anymore. Whether it be holiday baking, binge watching Christmas themed movies, going Christmas caroling or shopping. Whatever it was, try to pick it back up. Traditions can add a new meaning and purpose to the holiday season. If a family doesn’t have traditions, or can’t do them anymore, they can be creative in picking new ones. It always makes the season more special.
Alongside growing up, more responsibilities start to pile on. Whether it’s buying gifts for others or dealing with school and work stress, it all adds up and it could make one forget about the joys of the season.
This loss of holiday spirit also could be the result of seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is common among high schoolers; it’s a form of depression triggered by the transition of summer to fall and winter. Some symptoms are sadness, feeling lonely, too much or too little sleep, mood swings and appetite changes. With less sunlight during the colder months, seasonal depression takes effect. This could be covering up the holiday spirit that one may have.
But, there is no need to worry because there are resources to help this. For starters, talking to a therapist or a school counselor can guide people to a more specific plan to help. Some other ways of help include keeping busy with a favorite hobby, going outside and seeing the sunshine during the day, taking vitamin d and getting enough sleep. It’s okay to ask for help when needed. There are people that care and want to help.
But, how can one manage all their work and still have time for the holidays? First of all, everyone needs a planner. Write down upcoming assignments, schedules and important dates. Staying organized with school or work will take stress off and let the holiday spirit come in better. Secondly, keeping track of who to get gifts for and what to get them. It’s best to get everything done sooner rather than later so there isn’t any last minute stressing. However, if someone tends to procrastinate, the best place for last minute christmas gifts would be the Greenwood Park Mall. The mall has a lot of stores with something for everyone on any list.
Lastly, breathe. Take a deep breath every so often. Yes, the holidays are very stressful, but keeping track of everything, doing things on time and taking deep breaths will help everything go smoothly. Try not to stress about it all, which is easier said than done, but just remember, the holiday season goes by very fast and stressing about it won’t make it slow down, so enjoy it while you can.
All in all, the holiday season is a very special time of year. No matter what is happening, take a moment to breathe in the cold winter air and enjoy the season. Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night.

Hello, I’m Lauren Lowry! I am a senior this year, and it’s my second year on The Journal. This year, I am in charge of Promotions. Other than The Journal,...