Stitch by stitch
Freshman finds a love for the art of crocheting

Continuing her grandma’s lifetime hobby, freshman Chloe Cripe learned crocheting throughout her childhood with no real interest in it. As much as Cripe’s grandma always tried to teach her, she never felt the same interest towards crocheting as she did. However, this ended up changing.
“It’s nice that I can just take a little bit of yarn and just turn it into almost whatever I want,” Cripe said.
Back in seventh grade, when Cripe was part of the theater staff crew, the department was producing an “Anne of Green Gables” play. When she heard the news that some scenes in the play involved crocheting, Cripe saw an opportunity to get back to those skills taught by her grandma and assist some of the other students during these specific scenes.
She recalls having trouble remembering all the steps, but she wasn’t too worried. It reminded her of when she first started by her grandma’s side and how it was not any different.
“It was a little difficult but when I was starting I always had my grandma to help me, and she showed me,” Cripe said. “Even when she was there, I sometimes had to use Youtube videos.”

After getting back on track and picking up crocheting once again, Cripe realized that she should have paid attention to her grandma’s lessons back when she was little. Inevitably, they did have an impact on her, and thanks to those skills, crocheting has been one of her biggest hobbies ever since that middle school production.
Once she was determined on pursuing this activity, Cripe learned how much she enjoys creating new pieces from her very bare hands. Depending on the difficulty and the size of them, the process can take longer. Smaller pieces take a few hours, while bigger projects take a few days.
Despite the amount of time planning takes, Cripe always starts her projects by having a main idea of the end product. Once this is settled, she will proceed to decide what yarn patterns she is wanting to use.
Throughout the creation process, she has always relied on her parents’ support and has been very thankful that they are always there to help her either, financially,emotionally or even transportation wise.
“My parents definitely help me. Since I can’t drive yet, they take me whenever I need some more yarn,” Cripe said.

Even though she has put thought into developing a small business for her crocheting art, Cripe is aware of how time consuming this could be, and currently, she can’t afford that level of dedication.
Cripe doesn’t picture herself pursuing this passion for bigger plans, but regardless of this, she is more than sure that she won’t be stopping any time soon.
“I’d like to keep crocheting throughout all of highschool, and possibly after that,” Cripe said.
A professional career isn’t always someone’s only option. Sometimes, one just finds their success on everyday improvement, and simply on dedication.
This is indeed Cripe’s case. Although she can’t picture her crocheting as a huge part of her future, she has never been more devoted or satisfied with her work as she currently is.
“I really feel a sense of accomplishment,” Cripe said. “It’s really satisfying to have a completed project.”

Hola everyone! My name is Maria Bujan, but you can call me “my favorite Spaniard” I wrote my first staff bio last year when I served the paper as one...