As students progress through their high school years, they take hold of new responsibilities. One of those being turning 18 and deciding what they will do when it comes time for them to vote.
Many of SHS’s current seniors and juniors will be old enough to voice their opinions in the upcoming presidential election that will be taking place on November 5, 2024.
“My opinion matters,” junior Kianna Carver said. “So I want it to be shared and to be actually taken into account, even though it’s only one vote.”
To be an informed voter, students are starting to learn about the current status of the election and some requirements for when it comes to time to vote.
Right now, the election is in a stage called the invisible primary. This is where possible candidates start announcing that they are going to run.
They will start to set up fundraisers to get money for their campaigns, encouraging people to listen to their ideas. This is also where President Joe Biden travels around and speaks about things that his administration has done to try and secure the people’s vote.
“They are trying to say, ‘Hey, this is what I stand for. Vote for me, and this is what you’ll get,’” Social Studies teacher David Luers said.
To be able to participate in the election, registration is critical. In Indiana, voters must register at least 29 days before the election day. They also have to be 18 on the day of registration.
That means that students who are still 17 years old on the cutoff day do not get to vote in the presidential election. But, this does not mean that they do not get to vote at all.
If they will be 18 by the day of the election, they are still able to vote in the Indiana primary elections. This is where voters select who they would like to represent their party on the general ballot.
Luers says that student voters need to also focus on which candidate best fits their own interests. He says to focus on what matters to the individual and see if it lines up with the candidates’ views and campaign.
Studies from Tisch College of Civic Life show that less than half of youth voters showed in previous years. But, in 2020, about 50% of voters ages 18-19 participated. That is 11% more than it was in 2016.

Teachers and mentors have noticed this change too.
Luers, who is now on his third year of teaching seniors, has noticed the growing number of students that decide to register or are curious about voting.
“The amount of interest in politics and voting has actually gone up amongst students,” Luers said. “That’s a good sign.”
The students are excited about voicing their opinions, and being able to participate in something that important. But, many admit that they do not know enough yet to make an informed decision.
Luers says to be an informed voter, students should not choose someone just because they saw their commercial or their sign. They need to do more research, like finding out their previous history with certain parties.
“I’m looking forward to it, but I obviously need to educate myself more about what’s happening before I vote for someone,” Carver said.
Carver says that she thinks it is important for all eligible students to educate themselves and register, even if they are not interested. She agrees that if you have any sort of idea, you should voice it.
Senior Josie Miller also shares the belief that voting is a beneficial way to contribute to the bigger picture.
“I feel it’s important, and it’s a good way to show your opinion,” Miller said.
When election day finally comes around, Luers makes sure his eligible students are prepared, knowledgeable and informed.
“This is something I say to the students in my classes: it doesn’t matter who you vote for, just make sure you know what they stand for,” Luers said.
Sandi Frizzell • Aug 24, 2023 at 10:02 am
Great article! Well done! Very factual and easy to understand! This article would be very helpful to all high school and college students!
Look forward to your next article Sophie Barnes!
Lillie • Aug 24, 2023 at 9:03 am
this is the best thing i’ve ever read