After two failed attempts to become an exchange student in America, Anahit Aleksanyan was finally granted the opportunity in August of 2023. Aleksanyan packed her life in a suitcase and left her home country, Armenia, in hopes of discovering new friends, families, and cultures.
1.Can you discuss a little about where you’re from? The country, the culture?

I’m from Armenia, it’s in the Middle East. It’s a small country, Indiana is pretty much like two times my country. It has a really long history, it goes back to like 4,000 years before BC.
2.What motivated you to become an exchange student in the United States?
Most likely the idea of being independent, that’s what first inspired me. (In the first year,) I did not get accepted. In the second year I got accepted but did not have a Visa. The third year, I finally got a Visa, and I got accepted. It was just the failure that just kind of motivated me throughout the years.
3.How did you prepare for your journey? Was it hard to say goodbye to your home, family and friends?
I wouldn’t say it was hard to say goodbye because I was in this like my imaginations of coming to America, new family, new friends, new environment and everything. That motivated me and kind of distracted me from saying goodbye. Of course after a few weeks, I realized that it’s normal being homesick and everything.
4.Was America your first choice of destination? If so, why? If not, what was your first choice?
Yes it was. I didn’t have any other thoughts. I was just like yes. It was just a picture in my mind. It was just associated with America because American culture is really diverse. I was just very motivated and interested to learn.
5.How has living in America been so far?
Awesome. Perfect.
6.Have you had the opportunity to travel to other places or states ? If so, what was your favorite destination?
Yes, my host family and I have tried to hit one state each month. So far we’ve been to Florida, New York, and Kentucky. New York City has been my favorite. I plan to come back and live there. I was there for four or five days, but it was like “this is it.”
7.What are some of the biggest differences and similarities between living in Armenia and America?
The lifestyle in general for sure. For example, you guys don’t walk. We walk a lot. I think similar things are the openness to new things.
8.What are some of your favorite American food and traditions?
Taco Bell is really good. Also probably pies. America makes really good pies. A tradition, I would say Thanksgiving, which was like one of the best experiences I’ve had so far.
9.How does school in Armenia compare to school in America? Is it harder? Easier?
It’s harder there (in Armenia) because we’re not allowed to choose any classes. Here we have more choice which is good, but yeah it is definitely harder there.
10.What is your favorite part of SHS?
Teachers. Yeah, they’re really supportive. They’re for you every time. I just love that.
11.What are your future plans after spending a year in America?
Well, going back and finishing senior year because I’m a junior currently. I’m applying for colleges here in order to come back because I’m very attached to my family and I can’t just leave them.
12.What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of hosting an exchange student or becoming an exchange student?
Probably prepare yourself for difficulties. They’re normal because you’re going to a completely diverse place or you’re hosting a completely diverse person. Yeah, just be ready for misunderstandings and difficulties because that’s what makes things interesting.
Lucy Len Dim • Dec 14, 2023 at 7:54 pm
AHH yes we LOVE anahit !!! great questions & love the intro lillie 🙂
anahit • Dec 16, 2023 at 7:29 pm
love you Lucy??