Stotan: Day 5
The 2015 SHS baseball team
March 6, 2015
The boys baseball team rounds out this year’s annual tradition with one more run of the Circuit. This year the Circuit was cut short to make room for the ending Cardinal sevens, speech from one of the coaches (this year’s is by Mr. Kenton Armbruster), the Stotan bat ceremony, T-shirt hand-out and the most-looked-forward-to breakfast of the week.
Every year, as the students finish the week, the senior participants do one last Cardinal seven as a last hoorah. After this, Armbruster gave a speech of what Stotan meant for him as he came through the SHS baseball program and how it brings people together. After Armbruster’s speech, head coach Mr. Scott Whitlock handed over the Stotan bat to the seniors to hold until the end of the season. Once handed over, Whitlock called everyone up by class to receive their Stotan T-shirt as a reminder of their accomplishment. Once the team grabbed shirts, filed out of the gym and cleaned up, they head to the Cardinal’s Nest to eat a big breakfast provided by some of the team moms.
Not only was this an unusual week of Stotan with all the delays in the schedule, this was the first year of Stotan that a girl has participated and finished the entire week of Stotan. Senior Shelby Shook has the honor of being the only girl of accomplishing this task. She participated on behalf of the Theatre staff, which has also been a tradition of Stotan. At least one student who participates in theatre production has also taken part of Stotan for four years.`
With Stotan done and try-outs right around the corner, the Cards have little time to rest. But for now, the team can sleep well knowing that, as the infamous Whitlock saying goes: “Day five is complete.”