Aside from the general election with Trump and Harris, Indiana is hosting more local elections, such as the Governor and Senator elections. The Journal sent reporters to cover the Governor’s debate on 10/24 and the Senator’s debate on 10/29. (Republican Senator candidate Jim Banks didn’t attend the Senator’s debate)
Gubernatiorial Debate
Jennifer McCormick is the Democratic candidate for Governor. She spent 25 years as a special-education teacher and art teacher. She served in the military and was also the public school principal and Superintendent of Yorktown Community schools for 8 years.
– Lowered prescription costs
– Statewide access to quality mental health services and addiction care
– Investments in all levels of education
– Minimum base salary of $60,000 for PreK-12 educators, and adjust veteran teacher salaries to reflect their non-educator peers
– Fighting for reproductive rights and freedoms
– Restoring lost reproductive rights and freedoms
Community Safety
– Advice taken from public safety officials
– Working and fighting with public safety officials
– Creation of an Office of Environmental Justice within the Department of Environmental Management
– Promotion of policies that protect wetlands, water, air, soil, recreational forests and wildlife
Mike Braun is the Republican candidate for Governor. He has been a US senator for six years, a
businessman, a member of the local School Board for 10 years and a State Representative for three years.
– Lowered healthcare prices for everyone
– Building of affordable three-bedroom starter homes
– Partnering with other industries promoting more jobs
– Pro-life
– Choices should be up to the States
– Pro-Second Amendment
– Improvement of Red Flag Laws
– Criminals and mentally ill people shouldn’t own arms
– Embracing a new energy policy that releases Indiana’s abundant natural resources
– Adopting new technologies that give clean and affordable energy
Donald Rainwater is the Libertarian Candidate for Governor. He was a software engineer for 20 years and has held positions like computer applications instructor and manager of a retail company. Rainwater is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Scrum Master (CSM).
– Sensible drug policies
– “Your body, your choice” meaning one can choose what they put in their own body
– Abolishing state personal income tax
– Reducing tax burden overall
– Pro-life
– Upholds the Non-aggression Principle (NAP)
– Transformative changes in education
– Parents should be in charge of education
– Reinvigoration of vocational schools
– It’s not the guns, it’s the people
– One solution involves giving hope to people
Senator Debate

Andrew Horning is the Libertarian candidate for Senator. He’s been politically active for decades, whether it’s as an author, activist, columnist or educator. He believes in “fighting the system” where the government is corrupt and has high inflation and debt.
– Used Canada’s healthcare system as an example
– U.S. healthcare system is corrupt
– Get rid of the Department of Education
– Poor areas get poorer while the rich get richer – wants to fix that
– States should make their own laws regarding abortion
– Less politics in Immigration
– Less expenses
– States rights
– It’s about money
– Corrupt officials are in charge of climate change currently

Valerie McCray is the Democratic candidate for Senator. She was in the psychology field for 35 years and spent 25 years as a licensed Psychologist. She’s worked with veterans and has seen firsthand the damage mental illness has on people.
– Protect Affordable Care Act (ACA)
– Legislation shouldn’t be in the doctor’s room
– Continue providing free education
– Even more public school funding
– Women should be in charge of making that choice
– Fair and safe immigration laws
– Immigrants shouldn’t be treated as criminals
– Too reliant on coal
– Need transition fuel
– Biofuels as good alternatives