9/11 conspiracies: questionable or factual?
Social studies teacher Mr. Daniel Jones
Shortly after the Twin Towers and Pentagon were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, there were many compelling arguments about what happened that day.
Some SHS teachers do not believe in conspiracy theories relating to 9/11, but some students are skeptical on whether the conspiracies are true or not.
Junior Jason Weaver says that he does not necessarily believe that all conspiracies are true, but he thinks some could be. However Weaver says he does believe at least one thing for sure.
“Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams,” Weaver said. “That’s a fact.”
Unlike Weaver, Social Studies teacher Mr. David Luers says that he does not really buy into any of the 9/11 conspiracies.
“I have studied the event quite a bit, and even looked at some of the evidence that some of these conspiracies are based on,” wrote Luers in an email to the Journal. “Some of the claims and evidence – on their surface – seem plausible, but deeper analysis shows the flaws in their reasoning.”
Like Luers, Social Studies teacher Mr. Daniel Jones has studied research on some 9/11 conspiracies and how they have been proven to be invalid. This leads him to believe that these conspiracies are not true, like Luers.
“The American government says al-Qaeda did it,” Jones wrote in an email to the Journal. “Osama bin Laden says al-Qaeda did it. Al-Qaeda says al-Qaeda did it. Oh, and al-Qaeda has been committing terrorist activities before and after 9/11/01.”

My name is Monica Dile and write feature stories in the feature section for the Journal. I’m a sophomore who plays volleyball and I also run track. I...