Sophomore lurks behind the scenes of terror
Stepping into character, he prepares himself for a night of fear and screams. Halloween is a booming time for sophomore Noah Randall, who works at his family-owned haunted house Haunted Hunger.
Randall says he enjoys working at a haunted house because he meets new people and has fun while doing it.
However, he says that it can become stressful yet interesting when October comes around.
“We have all these things going on,” Randall said, “and it’s rather interesting around Halloween time.”
However, scaring people comes quite easily to him, according to Randall, because people don’t know what to expect.
“People go into backyard haunts with low expectations and it’s nice to surprise people,” Randall said. “We have already had people pee their self.”
Before they start the haunted house, all the actors and actresses get dressed in their costumes. All hair and makeup for the actors is done by a beautician, Randall’s grandmother along with his sister and SHS graduate Hope Randall.
“Besides running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I make sure the props are set up and the actors are ready,” Hope Randall said. “I try to keep the little kids supervised, so they don’t mess with the props.”

My name is Monica Dile and write feature stories in the feature section for the Journal. I’m a sophomore who plays volleyball and I also run track. I...