Are Perry Township buses safe?
SHS students walk to their buses after dismissal.
February 11, 2016
When a bus in the Amy Beverland Elementary school parking lot in Lawrence Township unexpectedly jumped a curb on Tuesday Jan 25, a face familiar to students of that school risked her life to save that of young students. This principal, who was called a legend during a statement made by the Township Superintendent, Shawn A. Smith, pushed multiple students out of the way of the bus that was headed toward them. Two students were rushed to Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health with serious injuries. That principal, Susan Jordan, died at the scene of the accident. If it were not for Jordan, likely many more students would have been injured.
According to a CNN article, the Lawrence Township School Board released a statement that praised Jordan for her 22 years as an employee of that district. Part of it read, “Susan was an amazing educator. She had a remarkable way of making everyone she came in contact with feel valued and important.”
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s Fatal Alcohol and Crash Team is investigating the incident, according to an article posted by the Indystar. Accidents like this could raise questions and fears in Perry Township and , because of this, it’s vital that all parents and students know that the Perry Township transportation system is safe.
Perry Township bus driver Beth Frankie says that all bus drivers are trained by the state police every year and daily checks are completed on the buses to make sure they’re safe for students.
“An accident can happen anywhere,” Frankie said. “And, you know, they can happen at any time. It’s just knowing what to do.”
Sophomore Sai Chin Sung rides the bus to and from school everyday and says she has never felt unsafe. Sung has never been in a school bus accident and also says she doesn’t feel like it’s even possible.