Behind the scenes of SHS: Sherry Henry
Feature writers share a day in the life of support staff
Custodian Sherry Henry mops the cafeteria floor on Feb. 4. Henry has worked at SHS for 16 years.
February 12, 2016
Between picking up the gobs of gum stuck onto the ground that most people do not see, to dusting the baseboards of every hall in the school, the custodians have taken cleaning to the next level.
Sherry Henry, a custodian of 16 years, is one of many that keep SHS’s halls nice and tidy. She has chosen to spend her days cleaning up the little pieces of paper dropped in the hall or cleaning up the orange juice containers left in all different places of the school.
Henry, as I noticed, had a good eye for noticing even the smallest of things. While we were walking down the hall, she was dusting the baseboards, and without even thinking twice she noticed that there was a fruit snack wrapper misplaced in a fire extinguisher box. Just around the corner from the fruit snacks wrapper, she spotted a wad of gum placed on the side of another fire extinguisher box. While we continued through her daily routine, I continued being shocked that she even spotted such minor things.
Not only is Henry thorough with her job. She takes pride in it. While accompanying her on her journey up and down the halls there was not one student or administrator that she did not greet with not only a smile on her face, but in her voice as well. She doesn’t let the fact that she spends her days cleaning after teenagers budge her positive attitude.
“It has its ups and downs,” Henry said. “But I don’t mind it.”
John Lefevers, her boss, agrees that what she does is thorough. He says when she needs to get things done, she gets it done and she never complains.
“I think that Sherry always has something positive to say to the students,” Lefevers said. “I believe she interacts with them well.”