Rapper uses music to help others

Jaycee Fitzgerald

Pictured above is senior Landon Carmer with his performance makeup on. Carmer produces his own raps and performs under his stage name Plagued Kitten.

Jaycee Fitzgerald, Reporter

Senior Landon Carmer is not the typical high school rapper. Carmer feels that he is different because he raps about problems in his life, instead of sex, drugs or money. While doing so, Carmer incorporates other types of music into his raps.

“I classify my genre as rap, but it’s so much more,” Carmer said. “I would just say it is very original and out there.”

He first started rapping when he was 14-years- old after trying to form a metal band. Carmer says he had always wanted to be a screamer in a band. However, due to lack of other members, he never got the chance to becomeone. This made him realize he had to do something else to have his music heard.

After this realization, Carmer began to make his own beats and lyrics on the computer and embrace rap music even more. He is now able to make his own rap songs with twists of scream and metal incorporated, under the stage name Plagued Kitten.

Carmer feels that his raps are not like the usual ones people hear because of the content. Carmer says his reason for rapping is so that people can relate to his music in order to help others get through their own hardships  This has always been Carmer’s first priority, because he knows what it is like to feel vulnerable.

“My freshman year I would cut and harm myself really badly,” Carmer said. “Now I have to live with those scars, and I still get asked about them everyday.”

He says the only thing that helped him during those times were the musicians he listened too. The lyrics and the messages the artist wanted to portray are what inspired him to keep going and to not give up.

Now Carmer wants to do the same and help the next generation with his music.

“I want to stop people from harming themselves and taking their own lives,” Carmer said. “It hurts their community and their families, and now we’ll never know what greatness they could have been. So if I can help those people through that, then who knows what I can inspire.”

Carmer’s younger brother, sophomore Cameron Carmer, does believe Carmer’s music is helping others get through their own struggles. He feels that the lyrics Carmer writes place hope in others.

His brother also says Landon’s mentality to help others shows in his lyrics, which is what makes his music so influential. He says Carmer is always trying to make others happy whether it is by giving a stranger a hug or telling them to have a great day.

“He has a very upbeat personality, and there are always laughs when he’s around,” Cameron said. “When he puts that into his music with the intention to help others, it works wonders.”

Carmer hopes to continue producing more music and to have it heard by more people. He hopes that more people will hear his music and be influenced by the words.