SHS socks-it-out
Pictured above is junior Alyssa Napier. Napier started collecting unusual socks over the summer and continues to buy more pairs.
January 2, 2017
Crazy socks collection
Smiling hotdog, reindeer and Christmas socks are just a few of the kinds of socks junior Alyssa Napier owns within her collection.
“All I own are weird socks,” Napier said. “Really, I don’t own any plain socks anymore.”
Napier has been collecting socks for the past year and is well known at SHS for her collection of unusual socks.
Her collection all started over this past summer. She says she went out one day and saw a unique pair of socks, and she decided to buy them. From then on, her collection just kept growing.
“I saw a cool pair of socks and thought, ‘Hey, I should get those!’ and after that I just kept on buying them,” Napier said.
Napier says she plans to continue collecting her socks because she thinks that they are cool and fun to collect with all of the unusual patterns and pictures on the different pairs of socks.
Mix-matching socks
Everyday, no matter what the occasion, Success Coach Ralston Evans wears mismatching socks because he says it brings him good luck.
“When I was younger I wasn’t really the best at sports,” Evans said. “Then one day, I accidentally wore mismatching socks, and I had one of the best performances ever.”
After that experience, Evans decided to continue wearing mismatching socks throughout his sports career believing it brought him good luck. He feels that his mismatching socks’ luck was proven to be true. It was after an incident in college football when his coach made him wear matching socks, and he got injured.
“It drove my college coach crazy that I wore mismatching socks,” Evans said. “He made me wear matching socks, and once I got injured in that game I never wore matching socks again.”
When Evans first started wearing his mismatching socks, many of his friends asked him why and thought it was an interesting reason. He says some of them even followed in his footsteps and began wearing mismatching socks for good luck too.
Now, Evans plans to continue wearing his mismatching socks to bring him good luck, but he feels that one day he might have to grow up and start matching his socks.
25 days of Christmas socks
Walking down the halls of SHS in November, junior Ellen Stuckwish received many stares while adorning Christmas socks.
“A lot of people gave me weird looks and said it was too early for Christmas stuff, but I didn’t let them ruin my spirit,” Stuckwish said. “It’s never too early for Christmas.”
Since the beginning of November, Stuckwish has been on a mission to wear 25 different pairs of Christmas socks for the 25 school days leading up to winter break.
She came up with her idea for 25 days of Christmas socks last year after finals week. She wore only Christmas themed socks and sweaters to school. Then, that year for the holiday, she got many pairs of socks as gifts.
She says she hopes to do 25 days of Christmas socks again next year since she owns so many pairs now.