Bowling team develops character
Club sport welcomes newcomers ready to learn

Sophomore Madison Woodmansee gets in stance to bowl.
August 11, 2017
Bowling is a winter sport, that lasts between November and January. The team is coached by Jim Pittman and Jeff Thomas. In order for there to be a bowling team and for them to compete, there must be at least 5 people participating. Practices are typically from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The call out meeting will take place on Thursday, Aug. 17 right after school in the cafeteria.
According to the sponsor John Lefevers, students who want to be on the bowling team should be excellent citizens who are willing to learn. Lefevers also says that the team should help establish good relationships and that it is something positive to do.
“I’ve been involved with it from the get-go probably 20 years (ago),” Lefevers said. “It’s a good additional outlet for the kids.”
Junior Melissa Bushong has been a member of the bowling team for the last two years. Her first year on the team there was not a girls team, because she was the only girl, however, that all changed last season and the girl’s bowling team was born. Bushong has been bowling for 13 years and is currently in two separate leagues aside from the school team.
“I’ve been bowling for almost 13 years now,” Bushong said. “It’s always been a really important part of my life.”
According to Bushong, the team becomes it’s own little family and it’s really fun to have people to enjoy the sport with. When new people join the team, Bushong helps mentor them and teaches them about the sport.