Lost and Found
Discover the story behind this SHS student who hopes to turn his singing passion into a succesful lifestyle
Photo contributed by Bryan Ortega
Senior Bryan Ortega records his first song “Love Letter.” The music video for the song has over 900 views on YouTube as of Jan. 22.
If you really push yourself and have motivation, you can make anything possible,” senior Bryan Ortega said.
This is the motto Ortega lives by, especially when it comes to following his dreams.
Around two years ago, Ortega started investing his time in music: writing his own songs, recording in a studio and uploading to a YouTube channel. Now, he is better known as B Royalty.
According to Ortega, he started making music because he felt that he could make something of himself and earn money along the way. This journey he was about to take, though, meant more to him than that. He knew he could help people express their feelings through his music. He says oftentimes people don’t know how to voice what they are feeling, and his music is a great way to change that. Ortega is doing what he does not because anyone inspired him, but because he knew he could inspire others.
“I can tell stories (through) my music,” Ortega said.
As Ortega writes all of his own lyrics, he says he does not have a set process every time. Sometimes he will just sit down and write. To him, this writing comes naturally. His feelings go down on paper and a song is made.
Ortega’s long-term girlfriend, senior Lizeth Hernandez, says Ortega takes time out of his day to work on his music because he realizes the importance of it and how it could take him places someday. She feels songwriting and recording is a better way for him to work on himself and his future and stay responsible, when he could easily choose to go down the wrong path.
Hernandez says Ortega is a kind person and is not conceited, even with the popularity he has gained through his music. She thinks going into the music industry is a possibility for Ortega’s future because he is good at what he does and could have a positive influence on his audience.
“He would be a good person to look up to,” Hernandez said.
On top of songwriting, Ortega also records his music in a downtown studio and uploads it to his YouTube channel, B Royalty. On Jan. 1, 2019, he uploaded his first music video for his song “Love Letter.” He wanted to finally present a song in this way because he feels visuals make a difference and allow lyrics and feelings to really come to life for his listeners. Ortega says simply recording outside of his house fulfilled the vision he had. Even though it wasn’t anything fancy, the setting made for a successful music video in his eyes.
Along with writing, recording and uploading, doubts have come along the way, too. Ortega says in the beginning he questioned himself, but knew that people liked what he produced and didn’t want to give up. He knows that these doubts won’t affect him in the long run because he always looks back to where he started and where he is now.
“Sometimes I feel like I can’t do it, but I keep telling myself ‘I can do this,’” Ortega said.

Hey, y’all. It’s Elizabeth Valadez, and this year I’m back for my third and final year as The Journal’s Editor-In-Chief. I also play the clarinet,...