The perfect officer

Booster club is looking for next year’s leaders

Photo contributed by Stacey Matlock

Booster club officers do their skit at a pep session.

As the groups of students sit down in order to begin another SHS pep rally, a small group of students run to the middle of the gymnasium floor. The crowd smiles and remains relatively calm. Although they aren’t equipped with pom-poms like the cheerleaders at the sidelines, they have just as much energy. Cheering and smiling widely, the group radiates positivity and causes students to gain excitement.

Photo contributed by Stacey Matlock
Booster club officers of school year 2018 and 2019.

These students are officers of the Booster Club. According to English teacher Sam Hanley, everyone in SHS that participates in events are considered members. Although there are many students in SHS, only a group of four to eight students are known as officers. The officers, in the age ranges of juniors and seniors, aren’t just members. Being an officer takes many qualities that being a member doesn’t require.

Officers, such as seniors Mya Schuessler and Corbin Skutt, are active in their roles around SHS. The Booster Club sponsor Stacey Matlock also lists a number of actions the Booster Club does, such as pep-rallies, organizing spirit weeks and organizing the homecoming parade.

“We look for someone who can be a leader,” Matlock said. 

Matlock mentions time management as an important skill for an officer, as well as self-motivated. Since the Booster Club members are active students at SHS, they often need to be able to get things, such as posters or promoting school events, done without motivation from outside forces. 

“Somebody who is just passionate about Southport High School  specifically, and will do things and take initiative to do things. Not wait for someone else to do it.” Skutt said. 

Since officers are very active in school events, grades are also important. Whether being able to maintain passing grades, studying or simply balancing school life and officer life. Grades are part of balancing school and officer duties.

“They need to do their work, actually care about it.” Schuessler said.

Photo contributed by Stacey Matlock
Senior Taylor Jackson paints over rock. Painting over rocks with school colors is a tradition of the booster club.

Schuessler believes that balancing a schedule in order to attend sporting events is an important quality of an officer. Schuessler adds that being willing to talk to different people, even without knowing them, is a trait that would help officers. 

According to Hanley, the officers should be silly and fun. The officers should be able to lead student spirit.

“We look for people who are not afraid to be goofy in front of their classmates,” Hanley said. “People who are organized. People who have personality.” 

Being an officer requires dedication to SHS. Not only while in school but out of school. Officers go to coffee houses, post events on social media and promote school plays. Officers also talk to clubs, find out senior nights and communicate with sports teams which require effort and time not always found in the school day. 

“I think the X-factor is who’s the person who’s willing to be committed 24-7 to Southport High School and the things that happen here,” Hanley said.