AP exam changes
With SHS turning to remote e-learning, students in A.P. classes have to adjust to taking the tests at home
A.P. classes have been preparing for a year for the big test at the end of the semester. But as the teaching has gone online, the test has had to change along with it. SHS has turned to remote e-learning for the last quarter of the 2019-2020 school year, meaning all lessons, work and testing will be done online.
“Students who are taking A.P. classes are not exempt from their A.P. exams. To receive their credit, they must take a modified version of the test on the assigned dates for their A.P. class,” Foreign Language teacher Rosalind Jackson said. “Students will still receive credit in A.P. and they should receive credit from most colleges and universities.”
The test has been changed from a three-hour test to 45 minutes, and they will only contain free response questions. Currently, teachers and students are working together to study the materials that will be included on the test.
“I make sure that I meet with my students on a weekly basis,” Jackson said. “I am providing students with material that I explain well through Screencastify and other methods.”
The College Board has also made other changes to the test to allow students to do as well as possible and ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Students will be able to look at their notes, books and any material that they already have while taking their test. Students are given this opportunity to take the test from home and earn the same credits from the test. However, there is still a strict cheating policy in place.
Some AP teachers have been working to push more materials to their students. Some students have voiced their concerns over assignments that their teachers are pushing to them right now. Instead of assignments focusing on what the test will be over, there is some work that is trying to push new lessons or go over things not on the A.P. tests.
“Some teachers are still trucking forward with normal work, not the changed stuff that the test is going to be over now,” junior Noah Clark said.
As this is bringing forth new challenges for everyone, teachers are doing their best to help students in every way possible and make the content simple.
Students are encouraged by teachers to make sure to reach out to get the information they need to help study for their tests. Teachers are making sure to be able to provide students with what they need. Departments at SHS have office hours where their students can talk to their teachers or email them to ask questions and get any other help they need.
“I am available to students when they need extra support and help,” Jackson said. “I try to encourage my students and let them know that we’re all in this together.”

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