Behind the ballot
Although most students are not able to vote in the upcoming election, it is important to care according to experts
Why Trump?

As the race for Presidency continues, President Donald Trump has acquired a large following who plan to vote for him on Nov. 3. According to the “Hill-HarrisX” approval poll, 32% of voters between the ages of 18-34 would vote for Trump.
In the eyes of his supporters, there are many ways Trump could offer a viable future for the younger voters.
President Pro Tempore of the Indiana State Senate Rod Bray is a Republican Senator of District 37. He believes that economically Trump can offer young people a better chance in life when the time comes to finding a job, paying rent or buying a house if they so choose.
“It’s about the opportunity that provides and the economy,” Bray said.
Bray says that it is also very important that young people pay attention to politics and the policies each candidate stands for and make an informed vote every election.
Christine Barbour, a Senior Professor of Political Science at Indiana University is admittedly more liberal but still thinks that many young people will vote for Trump this election.
She thinks that many young people who share the same conservative views as their parents will find some comfort in Trump’s ideologies.
For example, junior Peyton Jackson has followed his family in their support of Trump. He also agrees with Trump’s plan for national security.
“It’s who my family would vote for and I agree with my family,” Jackson said.
Junior Matthew Borho says that he would vote for Trump if he was of age. He agrees with how Trump has run the country’s economy and the effect he has had on the unemployment rate before the pandemic.
Before March, the unemployment rate was at 3.5%, compared to the 4.8% he was left with.
While Borho doesn’t have a specific reason why he wouldn’t vote for Biden, he is unsure of how Biden will run the U.S during his presidency if he wins.
“They’re not really the best candidates ever,” Borho said. “It’s just we’ve seen what Trump is doing and we don’t know what Biden will do.”
People have differing opinions on the importance of this election.
Bray believes that while this election, along with all other presidential elections, is important, it isn’t the most important one of his lifetime.
“It’s kind of funny…,” Bray said. “Almost every election they say ‘this is the most important one.’”
Though Barbour does not personally support Trump, she believes that voting has a direct effect on how well the system works, no matter if Trump or Biden wins.
“It’s important for everyone to vote because by voting we make the system legitimate,” Barbour said.
Bray shares the opinion with Barbour that voting really does make a difference, especially when everyone who can vote does.
Why Biden?

Since the announcement of his candidacy on April 25, 2019, former Vice President Joe Biden has gained a large number of supporters. According to the “Hill-HarrisX” approval poll, 39% of voters between the ages of 18-34 would vote for Biden.
Biden, in the opinion of his followers, offers much to young voters in terms of social and political issues, with climate change and equal rights being two of the most prominent in his campaign.
Democratic Indiana State Senator Greg Taylor represents District 33. He says that Biden could start conversations that offer solutions to problems that specifically involve young people. Climate change is one example Taylor spoke of. He thinks an open mind is key.
“I think a new mindset that’s open to discussion and dialogue provides an opportunity for us to learn together and hopefully come up with a solution together,” Taylor said.
Though junior Ellie Brown is not legally able to vote, she wishes she could vote for Biden.
She says Biden’s views align with what she believes in, more than Trump’s.
“I have two gay moms, so I’ve seen first hand how Trump has affected families,” Brown said.
Christine Barbour is a Senior Professor of Political Science at Indiana University is under the belief that Biden will offer young people a more inclusive U.S.
She thinks that is especially important because now, in her eyes, that the younger generation is much more diverse than generations before it, immigration being one of the reasons.
“He could certainly offer a more inclusive country with more opportunities, more respect for immigrants,” Barbour said.
She also believes that it is essential for not only young people to vote, but people of any age. More specifically, make an “educated” vote.
This means paying attention to the issues at hand, voting for candidates who people think have the best solutions and holding those elected officials accountable, and making sure they do what they say they are going to do. She says all of that is necessary in order to keep this democracy going.
“Democracies aren’t an ‘Energizer’ bunny,” Barbour said. “They don’t keep going, and going and going.”
Similarly, Taylor believes that this election “rates” a 9.5 out of 10 of importance.
This is because, in his opinion, the issues being talked about at this current moment and their eventual effect on young people in the future are extremely dire.
“We are talking about issues now, that quite frankly, are going to have a long lasting effect on this country,” Taylor said.
Barbour also believes that this election is extremely vital. She says that she thinks this is the most important presidential election since the Civil War era.
“This is the most important election of my lifetime,” Barbour said. “I’m certain it is the most important election of your lifetime.”

Hey, It’s Owen Hodges back again for my third and final year as a Managing Editor. Last year, I was Features Editor, and the year before that I was a...