Everyone counts
SHS IMC wins award for inclusivity
Media specialist Tara Foor holds the award. SHS competed with other schools around the state for the award.
Each year, the Indiana Library Federation gives out an award related to their annual theme to a school of their choice. This year, the Federation’s theme was “Everyone Counts.”
The SHS Instructional Media Center was selected to receive this award. According to Media Specialist Tara Foor, the award is for equity, diversity and inclusion in the library program.
“What that means is that we demonstrated those three things really well and people recognized us for it,” Foor said.
This award is considered a recognition reward rather than a monetary reward. According to Foor, she thought it was neat competing with other libraries.
“With this award being a statewide award, the Southport High School Instructional Media Center competed with any library in the state that was eligible for this award,” Foor said.
According to Foor, the IMC tried their best to fill their shelves with stories dealing with all walks of life.
“It really just shows how much we love having people explore all of the awesome things that we have right here in the Southport IMC,” IMC clerk Matt Norris said.
In winning this award, the library received a plaque in the mail. According to Foor, it is currently being displayed on the circulation desk so that people can see it.

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