Raising him green
Science teacher passes her eco-friendly ways on to her son

Photo contributed by Rachel Brunsell
Science teacher Rachel Brunsell’s son, Parker is munching on some vegetables. She’s encouraging him to eat foods that nourish his body.
A couple of science teacher Rachel Brunsell’s co-workers expressed concerns about her pregnancy last year when they learned she was a vegan. Her son Parker turned out to be healthy and in good shape, which was recognized by the pediatrician since Parker was in the healthy percentile.
Brunsell became a vegan four years ago after being a vegetarian since the 90s and has raised Parker as a vegetarian since he was six months old.
She decided to become a vegan because of animal rights and learned that plant-based diets are much better for the environment.
“To save this planet, we’re going to have to go a lot more plant-based,” Brunsell said. “The way we’re going now is not sustainable.”
When Parker was a newborn, Brunsell fed him formula and milk until he reached six months, and he has eaten many foods ever since.
His favorites are brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, applesauce and pluots, which is a plum and apricot mix.
Brunsell also has a specialty of veganizing almost everything, and she makes homemade food using supplies from Costco and Aldi.
She shared a few dishes with fellow science
teacher Jarred Corwin and challenged his thoughts on vegetarian dishes.
“Often people think that those dishes are going to taste bland, or like cardboard,” Corwin said. “But they’re very yummy, have a lot of flavor and are very ri
Science teacher Daryl Traylor has been friends with Brunsell for almost six years. She spends time with Parker and his family often. She fondly remembers how he wanted to finish her last bite of pasta salad recently, and she approves the upbringing of Parker.
“She’s put a lot of thought and research into the choice and is doing it in a good way,” Traylor said.
Brunsell is glad that the society is more accepting of this lifestyle and that people are becoming more educated about it.
She reminds her students that it is okay to eat meat if they’re trying out the vegetarian lifestyle. She says to do whatever works for them if they wish to try it.
Now 14 months old, Brunsell will continue to raise Parker as a vegetarian until he is old enough to make his own decisions.
She wants him to know the health benefits of being a vegetarian and the unethical making of some meat in advance.
“I want him to be old enough to actually understand what eating meat means,” Brunsell said.

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