Reclaiming her role
Young women should not be afraid to embrace their feminity
Misogyny and sexism have been part of my life and something I have faced since I was a little girl. It was subtle. People found ways to mostly hide it, but even at a young age, I understood the double standard.
Little things people said, did or assumed about me made me dislike being a girl. “I need two strong boys to help me with this.” “The boy’s scores will be better, obviously.” “Boys are better than girls.” “Well, he’s stronger than you, he’s a boy.”
But that’s just what boys did, it was perfectly normal. In fact, it was even encouraged. Liking pink was lame and liking blue was cool. Showing emotion made a person soft and girly.
A weak punch that deserved to be insulted was “hitting like a girl.” Anything that was bad was a perfect opportunity to insult us girls.
It wasn’t meant to offend though, right?
Young women should not be afraid to embrace their femininity. We should not have to dislike who we are because of society.
We were only little girls with stereotypes pushing us one way and gender chauvinism pushing us the other way.
Boys were always the strong ones and girls were frail. In athletics and classes, things that were supposed to be fun, boys were praised and favored.
As I matured, I began to comprehend the complex and ever-changing beauty standard. Nothing we did would ever be right.
Girls who fit into society’s standards were shamed for submitting to its toxicity. Girls who didn’t needed to change because that is the only way they would be accepted into society to appeal to men.
We are abashed tremendously for being ourselves, especially while growing up, and it greatly and negatively molds us.
Due to this, many women have internalized sexism and misogyny. This further contributes to the harm women face in their daily lives.
Gender bias in workplaces and schools, such as dress codes and pay gaps, all discriminate against women throughout their lives. It will most likely take a long duration of time to abolish these inequalities, but we can work towards that as a society.
Systems bonded to the structure of our society make it impossible for women, including myself, to not face those to this day.
Now that I am older, I have a better understanding of it. Along with that, I have a greater grasp on how to fight and dismantle these topics.
Embracing femininity is a suited way to do this. It is accessible and beneficial to many.
I try to do feminine things that my younger self neglected to do due to my view. I like painting my nails, wearing skirts and dresses, layering as much jewelry as possible and putting on as much makeup as I please.
I shouldn’t have to change who I am and how I appear to please others. That concept needs to be rid of.
While this may seem frivolous or dense to others, that is quite the point. Trying to be hyper-feminine is not always the best way to go about embracing femininity. It is different for everyone.
Femininity goes far beyond doing little feminine things. It is about supporting and protecting other women. It is about embracing one’s identity and being proud of it. It is about combatting objectification as much as one can.
It is about being a woman however one desires, and young girls shouldn’t have to contemplate shying away from it because society tells them they should.

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