Non-traditional love
Netflix’s ‘Young Royals’ highlights teen love and royalty

Source: Netflix
As the Swedish prince, Prince Erik, played by Ivar Forsling, drops his little brother, Crowned Prince Wilhelm, played by Edvin Ryding, off to school in the opening of Netflix’s “Young Royals,” there are a lot of unanswered questions already set in place. Why are they focusing on the brother of the prince who isn’t even next in line? Why happened to make him get sent to a co-ed boarding school? What is Netflix trying to do here? All these questions get answered. In a very slow process but they do eventually get answered.
“Young Royals” recently came out with its second season on Nov.1 and although the concept of the show is good, it’s very slow moving which makes it hard to follow along. Not to mention it’s in Swedish with an English voice over. So what they are saying doesn’t match up with the English voice over, which is confusing at first notice.
Netflix has a tendency to create a false depiction of the typical high school atmosphere in their high school shows. It’s always exaggerated for the film. Frat like parties, hardcore drinking and drug use, etc. It’s all the same for a lot of their high school shows which aren’t accurate to most high schools, and honestly makes this show not even worth watching. The fact that it’s about royal teens in a boarding school trying to find out who they are is what made the show eye-catching in the first place. Adding everything else Netflix likes to add doesn’t make it interesting. Although, the show did take an interesting turn when they got to the romance drama between the two main characters.
The show’s main stars are a gay couple. Prince Wilhelm and Simon, played by Omar Rudberg. When the show took the turn of introducing this new couple and the non-typical struggles they were having in their relationship, that ultimately kept the show interesting enough to watch. Simon and Prince Wilhelm struggle with the fact that they are gay in a system that is known to be ruled by heterosexuals. This causes a lot of problems for Wilhelm because his family just wants him to live a “normal,” heterosexual life until he graduates from school and considered old enough to make his own love life decisions. There are plenty more problems that are talked about for both of them.
This series gets left on a decently big cliffhanger without any idea if there will be a third season in the future. Even if there is one, viewers will have to wait for over a year to even find out. Netflix has a good thing going for this show, and if they actually made it relatable to teens in today’s world then I think they would get a better rating on this. But, because it’s not relatable and the cons seem to outweigh the pros, time would be better spent finding a different show to watch that was maybe faster paced, had a better plot line and didn’t leave off on a cliffhanger without any idea on if a new season is a possibility.

Hey everyone! My name is Grace Wilson, and I am a senior starting my third and final year on The Journal. I am happy to announce that I’m the Digital...