Being an exchange student is the craziest thing I have ever done. It means being away from family and friends I have spent my whole life with, studying and feeling responsibility 24/7, living with people who I have never met before, being a representative of Japan and speaking a completely different language. But most of all, being an exchange student means struggling with everything.
On July 28, I launched into the country of my dreams. I felt like I could do anything I wanted to. While my exchange experience has been bittersweet and challenging, these hardships have taught me valuable life lessons.
I have gone through homesickness several times. It is my first time being away from my family and friends, so it isn’t hard to feel all alone. However, this feeling has made me more independent.
I learned I have to take care and think about myself here. In Japan, I wasn’t independent at all. I always needed my parents’ help to decide something important, but I learned how important it is to create my life by myself. Being an exchange student means being able to choose what I think is best, allowing me to do anything.
I have faced culture shock here many times. It was so hard to accept the differences, but it helped me be more flexible and understanding about this culture and country.
The biggest difference between Japanese and Americans is their point of view. The Japanese point of view is another person’s, while the American point of view is theirs. Back home, we always care about other people’s thoughts about our opinions. It is important not to do what others think is bad, so we sometimes hide our true self and try to fit in with what is normal. However, in the U.S., people seem to follow what they think is best. I feel like they don’t really think about other people. I learned how important it is to tell my opinions to others.
Since I have a lot of responsibilities as an exchange student, I would compare myself to other exchange students about everything. I was so tired of feeling obligated to be a perfect person like they seem to be. However, my host family told me not to try to be another person but to be myself.
I gradually quit comparing myself to others. Being an exchange student means finding my true self and stopping an unhealthy habit. I also found out that I have to do what is best for me without thinking about the expectations of other people.
I came here to change, and my new friends have helped me accept my true self. It is what I needed to learn, and I couldn’t do it in Japan my whole life.
Every exchange student has their own experience. They are all completely different. I can say that I was given a surprising and wonderful new perspective here. Being an exchange student means finding myself and living my life, by myself, for me. The exchange program has helped me grow up, and it is a valuable experience for anyone who wants to take the opportunity.
lucy • Jan 9, 2025 at 10:43 pm
niina is such a great writer & the amount of growth she’s acquired in the u.s. is amazing! i can’t wait to see what other great things she does & writes ! <3