Students explain reasoning behind being employed while in high school


Senior Katie Hart

As students in SHS go about their daily, lives some students go to work after their school day has ended. In America about 80 percent of students in high school, college, and universities have a job.

The reasoning behind students working is different for each one;  from wanting to help their parents with college tuition to being able to get gas for their car.

Senior Katie Hart is one of the students who got a job to help her parents out financially. She is recently employed and only works three days a week. Since Hart will be going to college next year, she says she doesn’t want her parents worrying about the smaller fees she has.

“My family is often short on cash, and considering I’ll be going off to college next year,“I’d rather them worry about paying the bills, then buy my dorm decorations or paying for my college application fees,” said senior Katie Hart.

Senior Kirsten Slabaugh  works at Mcdonald’s and says that having a job is beneficial because she gets money and has a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.

“The benefits of having a job is being able to pay for everything yourself and feeling accomplished,” said Slabaugh.

According to BU Today, studies have shown that students with jobs usually keep their grades up and have higher grades compared to students who don’t have jobs and that being busy helps the students with time management because the students have to do more school work in less time.

“I think it is (beneficial) as long as you keep your grades up,” junior Precious Kioni said when asked about having a job in high school.

Kioni and Hart say that a way they are able to balance out having a job and doing their school homework is by doing as much of the their homework during school. Also, having a class period like study hall and iPass helps them do their homework in school. Slabaugh says she takes her homework to her job so she can do them during her break time or she does it after her shift ends.

“Being a busy person is in no way easy, but learning how to manage being busy is a blessing in disguise,” Hart said.