Parking lot rules invoked
Designated student and staff spaces will be enforced
Faculty parking sign shows time and place at which only staff can park.
August 7, 2017
Driving to school daily, Senior Davis Chan parks only in the student designated areas. He says he knows exactly where he should park every time. As the map sent out to teachers and the one on the permit application were not the same, some students do not have the confidence to be so exact. The area of confusion is the row in the east lot against the baseball fields. That row has been designated as student parking.
To reinforce the difference of staff and student spaces, Southport’s police officers will begin ticketing students who are parked in faculty spots on August 14. Although there are not signs designating each individual parking spot, in the upcoming days, signs will be rearranged to help alleviate the confusion.
“If (the students) follow the rules, they won’t get a ticket,” Administrative Assistant Ashley Quinlin said.
One of the rules is that students must park in the spots specified in the permit application. Not only will students receive a ticket if parked in an incorrect space, but they could also be ticketed for parking without an SHS parking pass. Passes can be purchased from the main office for $5 after filling out all necessary paperwork.
To receive their pass, students must include all information needed during the application process. License plate and driver’s license number, the make and model of the vehicle, for example, must be included. Students must have valid parking passes displayed at all times in the parking lot.
English teacher Dawn Fowerbaugh, who has had trouble finding places to park in the past, agrees with the repercussions for parking in faculty designated spaces.
“Students need to be parking in the correct spots,” Fowerbaugh said.
If students have questions about where the correct spots are, they can contact Quinlin in the main office. She says she maintains “open communication” to help solve any parking problems.
“If they’re having any parking issues, just come up and tell us,” Quinlin said. “We can have one of the officers go and check it out.”