The team stands together before the sectional game against Franklin Central on Feb. 7. The starting lineup consisted of seniors Kassie McMasters, Nola Linson, Ryleigh Hamilton, Kaniah Davis and sophomore Lorelei Bennett.
The end of the line
Girls basketball loses sectional game to Franklin Central 59-22
About the Contributor

Ava Campbell, Editor-in-Chief
Welcome back! My name is Ava Campbell, and I am honored to say that I am this year’s Editor-in-Chief of The Journal. Although the reality of senior year hasn’t hit me yet, I’m so blessed to be spending the end of my time at SHS with this amazing group of people. In my Journal career, I’ve been both the Sports Editor and a Features reporter. Outside of The Journal, I play the flute in our band. I also volunteer at Indianapolis Animal Care Services (adopt, don’t shop!), where I get to spend time helping dogs and cats whom I adore so much. I am a mother of two guinea pigs, whose names are Hamilton and Lafayette. You can guess, then, what I listen to in my free time. I also love baking, drinking boba, math and reading as many books as I can. Finally, I love you, dear reader, for caring about journalism! Let the fun begin!