Maria Bujan, Foreign Correspondant
Hola everyone! My name is Maria Bujan, but you can call me “my favorite Spaniard” I wrote my first staff bio last year when I served the paper as one of the Features reporters when I was enrolled at Southport as a Spanish foreign exchange student. Back then I thought that staff bio was going to be my first and last one ever for The Journal, but to my surprise our current Editor-in-Chief, Gretchen Turner, came up with the wonderful idea of having a foreign correspondent all the way from Spain, which is my new role in this publication! Let’s get this rolling then! If I’m not out in the ocean or maybe enjoying a good Spanish meal with my beautiful family, you could probably find me playing volleyball as well. My favorite chill plan (which we normally lack of those in Spain), would be a coffee and gossip date with my friends at our usual café in town. Lately I have low-key been obsessing over neuroscientific breakthroughs, which is very likely inspired by my grandma’s Alzheimer. Because of her, my dream is to one day become a neurologist and maybe in a not so far away future I’ll be able to help others like her. As much of a challenge this role will be, I’m thrilled to see how far I can grow as a foreign correspondent and hopefully you’ll get a tiny but sweet idea of how this side of the world roles! And as always, no matter the distance, go Cards!