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The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

Viktória Vadovicova

Viktória Vadovicova, Reporter

Hi, my name is Viktória. I am a foreign exchange student from Slovakia, which is a small state in the middle of  Europe. Currently, I am a junior, and I will spend one semester at SHS. In my home country, I dance folklore dances and play the piano. I love going outside, hiking, reading books, and listening to good music. Even though it sounds basic - dancing, writing, and traveling are truly my favorite things to do.

My belief is that you should overcome your fear of failure and try new things with enthusiasm. Maybe that is a part of the reason why I am an exchange student and why I’ve decided to write for the newspaper. I’m very excited for this opportunity to be here and to experience an American high school. It’s a great way for me to get to know a new culture and a new world. I also believe that if you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself. So let’s not procrastinate and start today.

All content by Viktória Vadovicova