Discovering the world in Room 267

Students share their cultures and nationalities with others


Noah Thomas

Students pose for a picture on Feb. 19.

Rachel Bayler, Reporter

The floor of Room 267 was covered with large maps of the continents and shoes scattered everywhere, full of kids and teens alike running around to various countries. The volunteers running the activities involving the maps are shouting out questions for the kids to answer by running to a specific country. Parents watched as their kids squealed and giggled while learning about the different cultures within their own community.

On Feb. 19, SHS held its Cultures of Southport celebration, where over 30 countries were represented by students. The night’s activities included a fashion show, a drum circle, posters and tables set up with games, food and information about the various cultures.

One of the organizers of the celebration was EL teacher Amy Peddie. With the help of volunteers during some of her classes and iPass, she has been able to help put on the celebration for the last two years. She says the celebration is a time for students to come together in a “cultural exchange of sorts” and explore each other’s cultures through storytelling, food and floor maps. She thinks Cultures of Southport is a good way to build friendships and community within the school and a way for students from other countries to feel included and educate their American peers.

Senior Grace Iang has done it for for the past two years and says that participating in Cultures of Southport is really beneficial because students get to learn more about their peers and their respective cultures. She said it was a lot of work since they added more activities this year, but that the experience has been “awesome,” and that everyone should get involved.

“It’s worth it in the end because we have so much fun showing other people the different cultures that southport has,” Iang said. “It shows how we all come together.”

People from all over the community were welcomed to the celebration including sophomore Olivia Neville. Neville came to Cultures of Southport to see and experience the cultures of her peers. She says seeing the different cultures coming together was an amazing experience and that the celebration helps students see where other people come from.

“Different people aren’t scary,” Neville said. “They’re fun and the same as you, but with different (backgrounds).”