Marriages have become less significant


Lindsey Farley, News Editor

Here’s something to think about, nearly 20 percent of marriages in the U.S. during the 1920’s ended in divorce, according to Yes, that may seem like a staggering rate at the time, but compared to today’s divorce rate of 50 percent, that 20 percent is nothing. With a world full of ever changing methods of complication towards marriages, how do people still make their marriages last with ease?

Sure, a 17-year-old shouldn’t give advice on how to save a marriage or relationship in this day of age, but I have been affected by divorce at one point in my lifetime and so have many of my friends. When I was 12, my parents, whom were married for 27 years, divorced. It does not matter why or how it happened, but I could tell you it definitely reshaped the way I viewed relationships and the bond of marriage forever. I now hold the view that when I get married, I will never get divorced no matter the circumstances.

To first understand marriage and the things that come with it, couples should look beyond their marriages as just being a piece of paper. Marriage is truly a physical, emotional and spiritual bond, according to Keeping that bond together is not always easy and it takes alot of work at times.

Many married couples jump the gun on divorcing too quickly these days. To show how ridiculous the act of divorce has gotten, take notes from a couple who got divorced due to facebook. According to The Huffington Post, the bride, married to her groom of only 2 months, divorced him because it had slipped his mind to change his relationship status on facebook.

Sweating the small stuff in relationships and marriages is something couples definitely shouldn’t do. That only leads to unnecessary worry and assumptions which, can lead to overcommitment, according to Dr. James Dodson. Then the overcommitment released from the worry can cause mental and physical exhaustion for both partners.

Dodson says being selfish in a marriage or relationship is something that will not work out in a couple’s favor. It takes two to make things work, and without compromise from both sides things can become ugly.

With that being said, couples should take time out for themselves in a marriage. This allows the relationship to grow individually, and helps keep it together. But, even a married couple of 50 years could tell you marriage is also about being together during times of need, Dodson says. Knowing when to connect and when to take time away from your significant other is all about learning them, and knowing what their needs are through the more time spent with one another. This skill is developed through the time spent with each other.

Each day, month or year spent with someone helps a person become more fond of them are their habits. That’s why when problems arise in a marriage, a divorce should be the last thing a couple should think about. The couple should really take time out and make a list of the reasons why they married each other, or do activities that help grow their teamwork skills. These two simple things can do wonders in a marriage and help the couple show each other why they really mean so much to each other.