Latinx program
SHS students prepare middle school students for high school
Senior Brandon Carreon
When challenged to set a smart goal around the SHS mission statement, assistant principal Amy Boone looked at data surrounding diversity and equity.
She made the realization that though the latino population was growing, there were higher dropout rates, lower enrollment in honors and AP classes and overall a disconnect from school.
The Latinx program was created to aid the growing latino population at SHS. It connects 8th graders with high school juniors as their mentors.
“I wanted to increase opportunities for involvement and connections in school,” Boone said.
During the second semester, the juniors who were chosen build a relationship with the younger students through meetings before they start high school. The pair are put in the same iPass class.
Near the end of the year, they have meetings explaining things such as graduation requirements, scheduling, the bell schedule and time management. They also get a building tour and talk about ways to get involved.
These meetings have been extremely helpful for new freshmen by relieving some of the natural stress about high school. Freshman Matthew Moreno was one of the students helped by the program.
“Since I was most worried about the amount of work I was going to get,they helped me break down how there wasn’t a lot of work necessarily, ” Moreno said. “And how there was a study hall and iPass which help you a lot with completing your work.”
The 8th graders aren’t the only ones who have been affected by this program. The mentors, such as senior Brandon Carreon, have as well.
“This has helped me by showing me how we have an influence on younger kids,” Carreon said. “We have to act like models and show them the correct path.”
So far, with help from teacher and past mentor recommendations, this year the program has already begun selecting Juniors to become future mentors in hopes of continuing this impact for the future.

Hello! I’m Elisabeth Pointer, also known as E.P., and I’m this year's Opinion Editor! I’m a senior this year, and I’ve been in The Journal since...