1. When did you start this business?
Around 2 months ago
2. What do you sell?
I started selling a bunch of desserts so just cookies, brownies, rice-krispie treats but now it’s just brownies.
3. Are they normal brownies or special brownies, like (are they) decorated brownies?
They’re very decorated, I have about, I’m gonna say 10 different kinds.
4. Why did you start this business?
I started because my cousin Reis started a sweets business, called sweetsbyreis, he buys store-bought stuff like brownie mixes … But, I make everything home-made so I was trying to one-up him and get more money. But, really, I’m $300 in debt. But, that’s why I started. I just thought it’d be fun to work with my cousin, alongside him.
5. What kind of brownie is your most popular one?
I would say the S’mores Brownie, it’s pretty popular. Some people get Oreo. Oh, I would say White Chocolate Chip Coconut (is the) best by far.
6. How much do you sell brownies for?

photo by Kenzie Andrysiak
I sell them at really cheap prices. I started selling them at $3 then it went down to $2 and it became everything brownies. So then for some people, I give them a really special deal and only make them $1.
7. Is it an Instagram account or do people come up to you at school?
On my Instagram, I don’t have a separate account because I don’t know how to do that but in my highlights, I have an everything brownies highlight.
8. Did you learn stuff from your slime business that is now helping you in this business?
I learned how to make a website from Mineslime, so it’s kind of helped me commercialize my business.
9. What are your plans for it? Do you think this is going to go anywhere in the future?
Well because I’m graduating this year, I’m going to stop selling brownies, unfortunately. Maybe, even sooner than that because my business is plummeting. But, I don’t sell it to school kids.
10. What has been your favorite part?
I love the satisfaction (that) people get when they bite into one because I know they’re scrumptious and everyone else does too. They’ll be thinking, “Oh my gosh, this is not a dollar.”
11. Is there anything you’d like to add?
If you’re thinking about starting your own business, definitely work through the budget and the profits because it’s tough out there and you might not succeed on your first try. I did start Mineslime in middle school, it was another business and it did pretty good actually.