Did I know what awaited me when I got the call finding out I’d be an exchange student in America? Not even a tiny bit.
Stepping into SHS, I found myself enjoying every moment despite the fear. Little did I know when deciding classes for this year I’d make the mistake of not adding the one class I had highlighted on the list but didn’t put my mind to. I thought I’d never be a reporter, but who doesn’t like surprises? It ended up becoming one of the greatest gifts this year has granted me.
When I headed to study hall, I met a group of friends, one of whom ended up becoming my guide to Room 400. Lucy Len Dim not only introduced me to The Journal but also was my biggest supporter.
I remember going to Mr. K’s room with zero idea on what goes on there. Getting the chance to know him urged me to keep approaching him with a plethora of questions, and I was always left wondering why the staff is so into The Journal and what makes this room seem like a home to most of them. Thanks to the help of a trusted adviser, I was able to discover the answers. Well, it only took the first hour of my first production night to achieve this goal.
With the help of this amazing staff, I overcame the language barrier, English being my third language. I was touched when my editor Lindsey informed me about my first-ever print story and the indescribable support I received from Gretchen, Ayslin, Grace and everyone else made me feel how I wouldn’t expect to feel in a classroom.
I could talk about all firsts SHS gave me, but The Journal memories would be on top of my “lucky to have” list.
I heard someone say an exchange year is not just a year in a life, it’s a whole life in a single year, and I couldn’t relate to anything more. I’m fortunate to have The Journal and the people I met as a part of my life here. Rest assured that I will be back in the near future!
Anahit Aleksanyan