Garkhor Kulia
Garkhor Kulia
Events: 4×800, 800, 1600, 3200
Years Ran: Six
Q: What is your favorite track memory?
A: “I ran the 800 and then I was like the fastest although I came in second Coach Bruce made fun of it it and said that I was the fastest 600 runner in the state.”
Q: What was one thing you would’ve done differently in track?
A: “I think I could’ve pushed myself harder.”
Q: What is your favorite thing your coach has ever told you?
A: “No matter what I should always push myself.”
Q: Gatorade or Powerade? Why?
A: “Powerade, (because) every time I finish running and I drink it, I feel powerful.”

Hi, I’m Justin Ray. This is my second year on the Journal. I am a sports writer. I will be covering football this fall. I am also hoping to be covering...