Powder Puff Football is back in action
Every year here at SHS there is an annual Powder Puff Football match. These football matches typically raise money for certain organizations and create an active way to get involved at school.
Social Studies teacher, Leader of the Powder Puff, Mr. Joseph Leonard says the event will be held on our very own SHS field at 6pm on Sept. 22, 2015. The admission price to get in is at a low cost of just one dollar, the money raised in the event will be donated to the Hunger Incorporated Food Pantry.
This year we have several participants, Social Studies teacher, Mr. Daniel Luers says that there little to no senior participants this year in our game.
“There is no senior team this year, so there is no rivalry there, per say. I coached the seniors to victory last year over the freshmen who are now sophomores, and have the same coaches. I coach the Juniors this year, so perhaps that is why there is talk of a rivalry,” Luers said.
The winners on the Powder Puff game exceed into the Championship game which will also be held on the SHS football field, Perry Stadium. The games are usually aligned by Seniors vs. Freshman and Sophomores vs. Juniors. Junior Class President, Taylor Kincaid says she believes the upperclassmen have the upperhand do to experience and an older advantage.

This is my second and final year on The Journal staff. I’m a returning writer for Student Life and now also a Social Media manager with Madeline Hittel....