Work environment strengthens bonds
Social studies teachers create relationships with each other
Social studies teachers Tyler Weatherford (left front), Ethan Braun (front right), Gene Lezon (left back) and Cody Braun (right back) are four social studies teachers who share a bond.
August 11, 2017
For some people they just see coworkers as just that: coworkers. However, in SHS’s social studies department, the teachers have developed a unique bond.
“It helped a lot when we moved to the new part of the building,” social studies teacher Cody Braun said. “For the most part, all of us are right here. We were spread out (in the old hallway).”
Every day during passing periods, they meet in the hallway to talk about topics such as current events, their families, politics and sports. A recurring talking point between them is the NFL.
“As you began to work with one another you find common interests and even shared differences,” said social studies teacher Dan Jones. “You begin to form closer relationships by having conversations in the hallway, in between passing periods, working together and sharing lessons.”
Another thing that has brought this bond closer together is the fact that all of them have some sort of coaching background, either in or out of school. With Braun being a football coach, Jones being a former baseball coach and social studies teacher David Luers even coaching his son’s soccer team.
“They gave me a hard time, I am assuming it was good natured, about being the only teacher in the department that wasn’t a coach,” said Luers.
This bond has only grown closer with time. Especially with the reconfiguration of the school putting them all right next to each other, with each believing that continuing to work together will only bring them closer over time.
“You (have) got people from different areas,” Jones said. “Everyone has different life experiences, and there’s a lot to be gained from that, and from our differences come our intrigue.”
Cheri Corsaro • Aug 11, 2017 at 5:51 pm
This is awesome
Joe Corssro • Aug 11, 2017 at 10:43 am
Great article and well written.