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The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

The student online newsmagazine of SHS

The Journal Rewired

Tabatha Fitzgerald

Tabatha Fitzgerald, Reporter

Hi! My name is Tabatha Fitzgerald, but most of friends call me Tabbs or Tabby. This is my second year on the Journal, and I am a features writer. I’m also a Senior. When I’m not spending my time working on The Journal you can find me doing a variety of things. I have had an internship with The Southsider Voice since December 2017. I love working with kids whether it be hanging out with my little cousins, volunteering with the preschoolers at church or helping out in a daycare at work. One day I hope to be New York Times Best Selling Author and own my own magazine. Some random facts about me are I love Mac and Cheese, I have two Shih Tzus named Princess and Daisy who are 10 and 8, and Culver’s is my all time favorite restaurant.

All content by Tabatha Fitzgerald